In 2007, I started transitioning from chemically relaxed tresses to natural, and in 2008, I big chopped. 2009 was a year of really learning my hair and perfecting my regimen. For 2010, I have some healthy hair resolutions, a couple of which are:
*start the year with a fresh trim
*finger detangle more regularly
*maintain healthy ends
*continue simple, low manipulation routine
When I eat poorly, it definitely reflects in my hair growth. It also reflects in my mood. The body is a temple and I must treat it so. For 2010, my healthy body resolutions are:
*consume more fruits, green vegetables, and carrots (all raw)
*cook more, eat out less
*purchase more organic items
*attend the local gym regularly (yoga, step, salsa classes)
I envision that this year, the blog will touch on a few topics concerning the mind and spirit. After all, both can affect the hair and body. For 2010, my healthy mind and spirit resolutions are:
*serve others through a volunteer organization
*practice more positive thinking
*fill life with the Word (daily)
*moments of meditation and solitude (daily)
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