When I wear my hair loose, which is rare, it is big, kinky, and ... foreign. I have had the occasional stranger's hand in my fro. I have had people approach me with the first sentences out of their mouth concerning my hair. "How do you do that?" "Do you plan to loc?" Etc. Last Friday, I got my first "I approached you because your natural hair attracted me" from a male. The reactions do not bother me, though, and I actually find it entertaining especially since the reason I went natural was to achieve healthy hair and not to make a statement. Though many black women are transitioning to natural today, the look of natural is still foreign to some.
My sister emailed me an interesting article with audios from nine women -- natural, weaved, straightened, loced, etc. -- about attitudes surrounding their hair. A related article is also included touching upon black hair and politics. Here is a synopsis followed by a link to the read:
"When it comes to straightening hair or letting it be natural, the choice still pushes deep emotional buttons for many African-American women. Others ask, why can't hair just be hair? Nine black women discuss their hairstyles and the attitudes surrounding their hair..."
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