Before reading on, check out this post on reducing knots. Now not all knots can be prevented, so what do you when you get one? Here are some options:
1. Let it be.
The easiest way to handle single-strand knots is to let them be. Having just a few of these knots on a head full of over 100,000 knot-free strands is not going to kill you or your hair. As for a multiple-strand knot ...
2. Undo it.
This is ideal for multiple-strand knots. If you have the patience, gradually work each strand out of the knot one by one with your fingers; do not try to pull out multiple strands at once or this might tighten the knot. Use the thin metal tail of a rattail comb to help loosen the knot. Some people also benefit from applying oil to the knot and using a safety pin. (Be careful not to damage the cuticle layer of your hair in the process.)
3. Cut it.
When worse comes to worst, another option is to cut off your knot - single-strand or multiple-strand. If you are annoyed by the very feel of these knots or have difficulty undoing them, then this may be the best option for you. However, if you find yourself cutting out several knots on a daily basis, then this process may deter length retention.
Whether you use these methods or another, whatever you do, never ever yank out a knot. This can damage the hair shaft and yield split ends.
VIDEO TUTORIAL of knot removal
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