WEEK 2/30
The new wash day regimen is still working out well for me. My hair is doing just fine with a simple prepoo, wash, 5-minute condition, and seal.
As for twisting, I've switched from doing that weekly to bi-weekly to tri-weekly for the sake of time management and low manipulation. On the weeks that I wash but don't twist, I'll just redo the perimeter. That's the plan for now. Eventually, I'll work my way up to wearing a set of twists for four to five weeks with minimal takedown woes. Thanks to all the nappturals (you know who are) who shared their routines with me!
Twist Routine Recap:
*Twist tri-weekly
*Wash weekly (see details here)
*Redo edges/nape weekly
Last week, I splurged on bananas, blueberries, carrots, red lettuce, tuna, roasted nori, celery, and other health goodies. I noticed I've been slacking on my vegetable/fruit intake for two weeks now so I thought I'd get back on track. I'm also learning how to make my own sushi after being inspired by a veteran napptural who's wise in the ways of raw dishes (as well as hair care).
The twist challenge starts in a few days. Yay! I also jumped aboard a green smoothie challenge. Now this should be fun too!
How's your healthy hair journey going?
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